
We use technologies, whether advanced or rudimentary, to question the future of humanities and societies. Guided by the principle of ACTS – Arts, Culture, Technology, Society, we work horizontally, promoting collaboration and exchange across disciplines. Our projects includes exhibitions, educative programs, publications and art producion.

New Interfaces: Living, Biodiversity, Bioart

New interfaces explore the interactions between the living and the digital, integrating biological elements to create innovative works.

By combining art and biotechnology, they raise awareness of biodiversity issues and bioethical considerations.

Sensible Digital Interfaces: Future of Interaction

Sensible digital interfaces examine the impact of data on our society and their creative potential.

They explore new forms of interaction and technological systems to enrich artistic and social experiences.

Bounding Box-Soliman
Living Arts: Interactive Performances

Living arts integrate digital technologies into performances to create immersive and interactive experiences.

By merging body, music, and digital interfaces, they open new possibilities for artistic collaboration and sensory expression.


Manifesto Terricola by Solimán López

It is an artistic document that presents a state of the current situation of humanity in different areas such as economics, ethics and morality, psychology, geopolitics, the environment and art, among others.

But the document also contemplates a particular materiality, being stored in DNA and encapsulated in biodegradable 3D ear produced for preservation on Svalbard Island in the Arctic and opens the possibility of having massive hard drives of digital information stored in DNA in the glacier ecosystems to preserve both with 0 environmental impact.

Formally, it follows two historical approaches to the meaning of an artistic manifesto, being at the same time a work and text of intentions and a scientific toolThese intentions lie in an intrinsic analysis of materiality, the intangible, the anthropocene, science, digital storage and art itself, making formally, a tribute to these Terricola artists from Van Gogh to Stelarc to Joe Davis and introducing a new Ear in the Art History.

The Solar Share by Disnovation

Sustainability is a key term in environmental policy, but what does “sustainable” actually mean? The Solar Share proposes a sustainability-oriented economic model revolving around the sunlight harvested in photosynthetic organisms.

Firstly, we propose to develop a data visualization/map of planetary scale photosynthesis to help represent how much new energy is entering the Earth’s system every year, in the form of biomass. We are interested in visually comparing this annual photosynthetic energy income to the overall energy consumed by humanity.

Secondly, we propose to build a one-square-meter photo-bioreactor, where microalgae are cultivated. In doing so, the Solar Share becomes an invitation to explore how human energy requirements depend on photosynthesis, in both direct and indirect forms (i.e. food, fossil fuels).

Once the microalgae are harvested and turned into edible biomass tablets, this project proposes to introduce a new economic unit: The Solar Share. Practically, one Solar Share is defined as the biomass produced on one square meter of the Earth’s surface — on average — in one year. Shelf-stable algae tablets are proposed here as a form of currency that is at once a consumable store of energy and a stabilized photosynthetic proof of work, that can be exchanged for other commodities or saved and stored.

The Solar Share allows users to explore a radical bioeconomic model, where human metabolism as well as modern lifestyle energy needs, are understood as factors of the sunlight captured in the biosphere. This artwork challenges customary understandings of economic “value”, and speculates how to reformulate the sustainability challenges of human beings within planetary affordances, as reproduced through renewable solar income.

Skin-On interfaces by Marc Teyssier

Skin-On Interfaces are devices that augment existing devices with Artificial realistic skin. Human skin is the best interface for interaction. Marc Teyssier propose this new paradigm in which interactive devices have their own artificial skin, thus enabling new forms of input gestures for end-users.

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