We aim to promote, support, and develop artistic initiatives by offering a platform for artists, students, and researchers to explore and create innovative works.

Our objectives

By combining an educational and scientific environment with artistic creation, our foundation is a unique center for the production and dissemination of digital arts in France and internationally.



Exhibitions and Events

We organize exhibitions, festivals, and events to showcase digital artworks and foster cultural exchanges.



Research and Innovation

Our unique approach is to facilitate collaboration between artists, researchers, and technicians to enable technology transfer; art inspires science and science inspires art.



Promote and Encourage Innovative Artistic Production

We offer residencies, grants, and awards to support emerging and established artists. We value new artistic themes such as AI or Bioart.



Education and Training

We use art and cultural productions with students. We offer courses on digital arts and have established a Specialized Master’s program.

Focus on

soliman lopez manifesto terricola

How the fusion of human bodies and technology redefines identity and human experience.

Human-Living Collaboration:
What role does the living have in a technologized world?

Panetary boundaries

The application of genetic editing technologies to create new forms of life, hybrid organisms, biotechnological beings.
We explore biodiversity and life in and beyond Earth from a science-art perspective.

Bounding Box-Soliman
Social Challenges

We analyze the new emergent society derived from the social applications of new technologies in the use of art as a means of communication and as a platform for positive futures.


Exhibitions/Live Performance

How the fusion of human bodies and technology redefines identity and human experience.

Human-Living Collaboration:
What role does the living have in a technologized world?


We offer residencies, grants, and awards to support emerging and established artists.

We value new artistic themes such as AI or Bioart.


We offer residencies, grants, and awards to support emerging and established artists.

We value new artistic themes such as AI or Bioart.


We offer residencies, grants, and awards to support emerging and established artists.

We value new artistic themes such as AI or Bioart.


We offer first hand art experiences, residencies, grants, and awards to support emerging and established artists.

We value new artistic themes such as AI or Bioart.

Connected with Education

Our Artistic Foundation is supported by De Vinci Higher Education.

In this unique context, over 200 researchers collaborate and more than 10,000 students and learners are engaged.

Our foundation fosters a dialogue between research groups, staff, students, the artistic and creative community, and the public.

The technological and artistic aspects are managed by the Institute for Future Technologies, a transdisciplinary space within de Vinci Higher Education.

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