
Supporting our foundation offers companies and other foundations the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and cultural development.

Join us in our mission to inspire and innovate at the intersection of art, technology, and society.

Your support will make a significant impact in shaping the future of digital arts and you will:

1º Foster Innovation

Collaborate with leading artists, researchers, and technologists to drive groundbreaking projects that push the boundaries of creativity and technology.

2º Enhance Visibility

Gain exposure and recognition through our high-profile exhibitions, events, and publications, showcasing your commitment to the arts and innovation

3º Drive Social Impact

Contribute to projects that explore and address pressing societal issues, promoting positive change and cultural enrichment.

4º Access to Talent

Engage with a diverse pool of talented individuals, including emerging artists and top researchers, fostering potential recruitment and collaboration opportunities.

5º Strengthen Community Relations

Demonstrate corporate social responsibility by supporting initiatives that benefit the broader community and enrich the cultural landscape.